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Welcome to Pinedale OFFLINE! 
We had such wonderful response to this web site. We've added more great pictures of Pinedale and all the fun things to do and see as you're passing through on your way to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone National Park.

Area Attractions:

Fishing & Boating
Feature Real Estate
Photo Gallery
Travel Map

Rarely Updated 

" Wolves trap campers in RV for 8 days."
Campers in adjacent RV claimed their satellite tv distracted them and they never looked out the window to realize their neighbors were in peril.

"Ringing cell phone stampedes herd of elk off cliff in Bridger Wilderness"
Game & Fish researching ringing tones that are elk-friendly. Guidelines to be released shortly.

"Visitors complain to local Chamber that they were stranded in Pinedale for two days because no one would repair a flat tire on a weekend "
Rob Shaul vows to investigate and print an indepth article in the Pinedale Roundup.

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Area Travel Map
Visitor Map


Pinedale OFFLINE
April 1, 2001
Keeping Wyoming's Best Kept Secret, Secret
Scenic Wyoming
Scenic Wyoming

Tourists: Save yourself the trip! 
Just send us your vacation dollars, 
and we'll hike, fish, camp, and hunt for you!

For those who love the city lifestyle and living elbow to elbow with their neighbors, the Forest Service has designated special "High Density Camping Areas", HDCAs, at many recreation sites. Contact the local offices for maps showing locations and how many tents can be accommodated in these areas.

Fremont Lake High Density Camping Area
Fremont Lake HDCA
While the "No Campfires-Keep Wyoming Air Clean" campaign first met with resistance when introduced last summer, visitors are warming to the idea this season. As many recall, last summer brought special health warnings by the Department of Air Quality due to campfire emissions in our area. People with existing respiratory ailments, and those from low Campfire emission pollution last summer near Pinedaleelevations who were having trouble getting enough oxygen up this high, were advised to go to other areas, Reno for instance, to continue their vacations.

Two New Adventure Races Coming 
to Pinedale this Summer!
Underwater Bug Stomping Race
Underwater bug stomping race
Speed Tree Climbing
Speed tree climbing
Wildlife Alert
The Game & Fish Department is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and golfers to take extra Learn to tell the difference between a black bear and a grizzly by close inspection of the minute variations in teeth structure.precautions and keep alert for bears while engaging in outdoor activities. They advise people to wear noise-producing devices such as little bells on their clothing to alert the bears, but not startle them unexpectedly. They also advise the carrying of pepper spray in case of an encounter with a bear.
   It is also a good idea to watch for 'fresh sign' of bear activity. People should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear droppings. Black bear droppings are smaller and contain berries and possibly squirrel fur. Grizzly bear droppings have little bells in them and smell like pepper spray.

Special bear fences
Camp easy! The Game & Fish Department has built special fences to keep bears away from prime recreation areas.
Tourists admonished to "keep the gate closed!"

Thanks for not visiting Pinedale

Pinedale OFFLINE (2001)

Happy April Fool's Day! Sponsored by Pinedale Online